“The Suite Nectar Life” with JJ Barker

“The Suite Nectar Life” with JJ Barker

Janet 'JJ' BarkerJJ Barker has lived in the Charlotte area and worked with Janet at Pixie for the last ten years. The warm weather was one thing that enticed her to make the big move from Sparta, New Jersey. As a new mom, her interests have been broadened to children’s books and cartoons. When she is not working her magic with hair, she can be found relaxing with her family or taking time out to enjoy fly-fishing. Learn more about her interests and what motivates her in this edition of “The Suite Nectar Life.”

A Curiosity for Physical Therapy

While styling hair is a passion for her, physical therapy would be her alternative career path. “I love the physiology,” she said when asked about this choice. It makes sense as a career choice since her favorite part of styling hair is getting to work with and meet new people. “I love it when a client decides to get creative because it allows me to expand my horizons and theirs,” she explained excitedly. This same interest could definitely be helpful in physical therapy along with a positive attitude to help people through difficult times!

Who Would Have Thought?

A surprising fact is her love for fly-fishing, which got its start thanks to her husband. “I figure if you can’t beat them, you might as well join them!” she explained. They frequently fly fish in the North Carolina Mountains, on the beach, or wherever else they get a chance to go. “It is a way to relax and escape the busy lifestyle so many of us lead,” she continued to say.

A Few Interesting Facts

Since becoming a mom, her daily routine has experienced a few changes. “I just saw Sophia the First and Curious George,” she said when asked about what cartoon character or superhero she would be. “I don’t think I would want to be either one,” she said, “However, if I had to choose, Curious George is the better choice.”

As far as music tastes, she listens to about everything. “I have been getting ideas from clients lately,” she said, “I’m not even sure what the genre is, but we listen to it regardless!” She also spends one on one time each day with her dog Zayda. “Even though she is a girl, we picked out a non fru-fru name because she is a German Shepard,” she explained.

Why She Choose Suite Nectar

Every salon owner has something specific that attracted him or her to Suite Nectar. “Location, location, location!” she exclaimed when asked about the driving force behind Suite 121. Many of her clients have been referred by word of mouth. “Networking is essential,” she said when asked about advice to new stylists, “You have to get out, meet people, and learn about the community where you work.” Consistent interaction with clients and the community has been a big contributor to her continued success and Suite Nectar is happy to be part of the journey!

To contact JJ and learn more visit JJ’s Professional page.

For more information on Suite Nectar Salons, click here or call us at 704.800.4008.

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